Our Feed the Hungry program offers meals to the needy from local restaurants using tax-deductible donations.
We are feeding those in need by offering free meals from local restaurants to seniors, single families and those in need. We are volunteer run and 100% of the donations are used for buying a free meal.
Feed the Hungry
Please complete the family screening form and a team member will be in contact with you soon.
Restaurants Sign Up
If you are a restaurant willing to offer donated food or nutritious Meal for a Family of 4 for $25 then please complete this form below. You can take a TAX DEDUCTION for the difference in the cost of the meal and the special pricing for us!
How Many Will You Feed?
Over 30 Million Americans slept hungry last night. Some don’t have money, others are too sick. There are lonely seniors who don’t drive. Single parents with kids waiting for meals. You can help feed them nutritious meals while helping local restaurants!
Your donation counts more than you can imagine.
$45 Feeds 1 Family of 4
$90 Feeds 2 Families
$180 Feeds 4 Families
You may donate one time or on a recurring basis.
How do we screen families? Our partnering organizations do that for us and refer families in need. For a family that is not referred, our volunteers call to screen them to ensure they meet our criteria.
Connecting you with us
Local restaurants create 2 meal options, ensuring they are nutritious and well-balanced. Each meal feeds a family of four and costs $45. Restaurants can click below to join our mission.
The box of fruit and sandwiches was able to get us through the weekend until my EBT benefits was available for me and my four kids— MONICA
We collect tax-deductible donations and apply 100% towards purchasing meals from restaurants. You can donate to feed one family or multiple families.
We found a way to help both families in need and restaurants by collecting donations, buying nutritious meals from local restaurants, and delivering them to those in need.